Suspended councillor reinstated

A South London councillor who had been suspended from the Conservative group in relation to a tweet he made on 8th October 2022 has recently been reinstated. Councillor John Bexley, who represents the West Heath ward for Bexley Council, made a tweet referencing Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who was released from prison by the Iranian Government earlier that year after the UK Government reportedly paid £400 million for her release.

The councillor said in his tweet: “Can we send her back and get our money back?” The chairman for the Erith and Thamesmead Conservative Association Aaron Newbury stated Davey had been suspended following his tweet, which had subsequently been deleted, at which point the councilor had been reinstated to his position.

The topic was discussed at their Council meeting on 26th April. Labour councillor Zainub Asunramu stated she disagreed with this decision, hoping that there were plans to introduce ‘anti-racism’ training, claiming this to be common sense.

This story is an example of how to waste time and public money on pointless ventures. Freedom of speech is an important component to our society. As such it should be upheld and this councillor should not be muzzled for expressing his views as an elected representative of his area.

Here at Homeland, freedom of speech is something we would enshrine and seek to protect. We would also do away with the bureaucratic nonsense of ‘anti-racism’ training, which is just an exercise in anti-white self hate. The fact the UK Government spent £400 million on a person who wasn’t even a citizen of the UK at the time of her birth is a massive waste of public money that could have been better spent elsewhere!

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