Partygate footage “completely out of order”

A video showing Conservative Party workers at a Christmas party during lockdown in 2020 is “terrible” and “completely out of order”, Michael Gove has said.

The Levelling Up Secretary was reacting to a video which showed people dancing and drinking at a gathering – ignoring strict social distancing rules imposed by the government at the height of the pandemic.

“The fact this party went ahead is indefensible,” 

Gove went on “I just want to apologise to everyone really who, looking at that image, will think well these are people who are flouting the rules that were put in place to protect us all.”

He added that he is “sure the people there feel contrite – or I hope they do”.

Well, this is a refreshing change, when evidence emerges of members of our political establishment cavorting with others, it’s not always consensual. But just because this particular incident hasn’t ended up with sexual assault or vast sums of cash going missing doesn’t mean this bunch of revellers get let off the hook.

Covid and the lockdowns surrounding it affected all of us. We all had to follow the “guidance” or woe betide you, you’d have the police hassling people for sitting on park benches, drones spying on ramblers in the lake district and worst of all, no end of smug middle class cretins, much like the very people involved in this scandal, telling you you’re killing grandma if you don’t wear a mask, social distance or take the vaccine.

People are sick and tired of elitist politicians, unelected nobodies in world government organisations and the media “experts” who thumb their noses at us, and a Homeland Party government would see to it that people in power would practise what they preach. We will lead by example, not manage from the ivory towers.

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