Nurses strike in England

Nurses in England are taking part in a fresh strike in what they describe as their biggest walkout so far.

The Royal College of Nursing strike affects half of England’s NHS trusts and will last until midnight on Monday. It is the first time areas such as intensive care, chemotherapy and dialysis have been affected. Ministers said the strike would be very disruptive.

This latest 28-hour action comes ahead of a crucial meeting between a number of health unions, ministers and NHS bosses on Tuesday, when the government’s pay offer of 5% will be discussed.

Royal College of Nursing leader Pat Cullen said that nurses “are selfless people, and they are standing up for their patients in an NHS that is totally broken”.

This is the RCN’s third strike this year over recruitment, staff retention and pay.

The Homeland Party would see to it that the tax system would be reformed to prevent the catch-22 situation so many people find themselves in. We believe that while workers, like the nurses in this case, find themselves all too often caught in the dilemma of working more hours just to see the extra pay from their overtime rate disappear in tax, leaving them wondering why they bother doing more for little to no extra pay.

A Homeland Party tax system would allow people to keep more of what they earn.

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