Northamptonshire MP stripped of Tory whip after bullying and harassment claims.

It seems the Torys can’t help themselves. Given their catastrophic loss in popularity over the last few years, restoring public faith in the floundering party would take nothing short of a miracle. They certainly don’t want any more bad press, yet here we are with another story of harassment and seediness. Old habits die hard, it seems.

This time, it’s the turn of Wellingborough MP Peter Bone, who has been removed from the party after an independent panel found that he had bullied and was sexually inappropriate to a junior staff member over a decade ago.

The bullying and harassment allegations, including verbal and physical abuse and indecent exposure, took place over four months from 2012 to 2013. The MP has thus far denied the allegations.

The junior staff member first made a complaint to the party in 2017. Still, after a lack of progress from the party’s internal investigation, they later registered a separate complaint to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) in 2021. The ICGS found that Mr Bone’s “near-absolute denials” of misconduct “lacked credibility and were at odds with other evidence”.

In the meantime, Parliament’s Independent Experts Panel (IEP) has recommended that Bone be suspended from the House for six weeks for the misconduct. It has now withdrawn the whip from the MP, meaning he will no longer be able to sit as a Tory candidate and will have to stand for re-election as an independent. Mr Bone has held the Conservative seat in Wellingborough for over 18 years.

A political party is the sum of its parts. If the party’s members are morally bankrupt and indulge in nefarious pursuits, it stands to reason that the party itself will be corrupt. It’s a sad fact that the story of Peter Bone will probably shock no one at all, as it’s just a carbon copy of countless other stories to emerge from this party over the years.

This corruption is plain in how the Tories mishandled their investigation into one of their own. A party with an ounce of integrity would have taken these accusations more seriously, but for the Torys, this immoral behaviour is just par for the course.

The problem with the major political parties in this country is that their MPs are out to serve their careers, usually at the expense of their constituents, and think they are above the law as they are rarely held accountable. The Homeland Party consists of much better stock; our members are nationalists who put the well-being of our people before all else. We take a community approach to our politics as this is the only way to gauge local problems and how best to solve them.

The kind of unscrupulous behaviour seen by many MPs of mainstream parties holds no place in the Homeland Party.

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