Local elections

As people headed for the polling booths yesterday campaigners claim to have seen countless examples of voters being turned away from polling stations for not having sufficient identification.

Jess Garland, the Electoral Reform Society’s director of policy and research, said: “We’re already seeing countless examples of people being denied their right to vote due to these new laws. One voter turned away is one voter too many. The government must take lessons from the problems we’re seeing today at polling stations across the country and face up to the fact that these new rules damage our elections more than they protect them.”

However, the Association of Electoral Administrators chief executive Peter Stanyon said: “Polling day appears to be running as smoothly as usual, which is testament to the months of planning and hard work from returning officers and electoral administrators running today’s elections. We hope the rest of the day continues along the same lines.”

The Homeland Party would require ID for elections. Perhaps the ID controversy is to do with someone at the polling station, drunk with a touch of power, refusing entry if they don’t like the look of someone – or maybe people are getting upset by the reality that people who have no right to vote are actually being stopped from voting.

Either way, you cast your vote (or not), and we get the same sleaze, corruption, incompetence and the same damn parties. Time for a real change.

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