David Campanale, the Lib Dem candidate, ‘punished’ for his faith.

The Liberal Democrats have been accused of breaching equality law by deselecting a candidate ‘based on his Christian faith’. This development came after a complaint to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was raised regarding the treatment of David Campanale.

The party has been accused of tolerating a “hostile environment” for people of faith, failing to investigate serious allegations of discrimination and harassment, and emboldening ‘those who believe Christians should be driven out of public life’.

Campanale, 60, was the party’s prospective candidate for Sutton and Cheam but now looks set to be replaced after a two-year hate campaign against him by members of his party and LGBT activists.

After submitting evidence of religious discrimination, harassment and victimisation perpetrated against him to all party authorities, no appropriate action was taken, and the only remaining avenue to seek justice was an external investigation via the EHRC. The EHRC is currently considering the complaint.

An Anglican and award-winning BBC journalist, Campanale was a member of the Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA), which in the past has campaigned against abortion and gay marriage. As far as the so-called liberals are concerned, these are cardinal sins.

Outside of politics, he served as a director of Tearfund. This Christian charity works with churches in over 50 of the world’s poorest countries to “tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development.” While working for the BBC, he also helped to break a televised interview with Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who spent years on death row after being convicted of blasphemy. This impressive track record of faith-inspiring charity work and aid won’t redeem him in the liberals’ eyes, however.

Why a serious Christian would be in bed with the LibDems, a party whose policies are often at odds with Christian values, is anyone’s guess, but this is beside the point. All registered political parties are subject to equality legislation, and discriminating against a party member because of their religion or any other protected characteristic is unlawful.

Nevertheless, one could be forgiven for presuming that some religions are more equal than others in the eye of UK politics. Would the LibDems, or any other major political party, be so bold as to ostracise a person of a different faith for holding similar beliefs? After all, Christianity is not the only religion to be pro-life and pro-family, and yet it always seems to be Christians in the firing line for standing up against the more nefarious aspects of the liberal dogma.

A spokesman for the Liberal Democrats said: ‘This decision is currently undergoing an appeal, so it would not be appropriate to comment at this stage.

‘The Liberal Democrats are home to people of all faiths and none, including many Christians.’

Presumably, that only includes Christians in name only. Those unwilling to betray the teachings of their faith to bootlick a political establishment that despises them need not apply.

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