In other news, Sadiq Khan is still racialising the English.

Sadiq Khan… the name alone will no doubt make eyes roll. The repugnant little Mayor of London, in office for what feels like an eternity, has an impressive track record of irritating the nation.

Whether it be his infamous “part and parcel” gibe when talking about terrorism and violence in London, his championing of affirmative action, embarrassing Britain on a global stage with his sanctioning of the Trump balloon, or the recent ULEZ fiasco, there’s seemingly no stone left unturned in his quest to find new depths of idiocy and provocation.

If you can stomach it today, we have a double whammy of Khan news.

Firstly, he has yet again courted controversy with his unabashed hatred of the English who still resides in London, claiming on his website that a picture of a young English family “does not represent ‘real’ Londoners.”

The message appeared as a guide to his and the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) brand. The picture showed an English couple, and their two children walking along the Thames and was highlighted as an example of pictures not to use, with a label reading: “Doesn’t represent real Londoners.”

While it’s true that many Londoners with English Ancestry have, understandably, fled the hellscape that London has become, 43% of the capital’s population is still identified as ‘White British’. We can only assume that the percentage is still too high for Khan and that more anti-English discrimination is needed to drive the remaining English out. However, given that he has overseen record-high knife crime rates in London, he might inadvertently be doing them a favour.

In the second story, reported by The Mirror, Khan is pretending to be upset about the asylum barges, claiming that they are not welcome in London. “I want to be clear to ministers – these barges are not welcome in London,” he fumed.

Hang on a minute, Sadiq. Your brand guide says “A City for All Londoners” (except the English). Considering how little the Government cares about migrant vetting and documentation and how you have revered the supposed wonders of diversity (excluding the English), shouldn’t you welcome these migrant barges with open arms?

Perhaps even Sadiq isn’t out of touch enough to realise that the migrant crisis is becoming dangerously contentious from a PR point of view and that he, too, must be an outraged local politician fighting for his locality. Of course, it’s all theatre aimed at placating the public into thinking that their concerns are being addressed and that there are conscientious officials fighting for their cause.

Fittingly, the image of a crowded, unhygienic and unsafe barge is a good allegory of what London has become under Sadiq Khan. Once his political career eventually subsides, his greatest achievement will no doubt be symbolising the 21st-century, Western politician, implanted to betray the very people he exists to serve, kindling the flames of hate and division and utilising every tool at his disposal to help dismantle the nation’s heritage and culture. He is the antithesis of the Homeland Party, which exists to fight for our people, culture and land.

The solution to the migrant crisis is to deny entry and send them back, and any politician worth taking seriously will be saying as much. Instead, all we hear from them is how their little patch is unsuitable and that the migrants should be housed elsewhere in the UK. Don’t expect Sadiq Khan to buck the trend.

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