Homeland Party is gaining momentum

It’s official: British nationalism is back on the menu.

By now, you’re undoubtedly aware that Homeland Party held its first public AGM last week, and to say it was a success would be an understatement.

A comprehensive press release has already been published on our website, so I won’t waste time reiterating the day’s proceedings. If you are yet to read it, you can do so here.

Instead, I’d like to share my thoughts on a thoroughly enjoyable and exciting day, which I suspect will be remembered as a breakthrough moment for the Party.

The first thing that struck me was the number of non-members in attendance. It’s no secret that we are a small, fledgling party, so I expected the turnout to be slightly more modest. How wrong I was!

I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with many of these guests, many of whom had travelled long distances to see what we were about, some as far as the continent and some even as far as North America.

Clearly, there’s a buzz surrounding the Party, and we are starting to get noticed. Many were impressed with what they heard and saw, evidenced by the fact that we’ve since seen a surge in membership.

On this note, I’d like to take the opportunity to commend our very talented and hard-working media team, who have played a prominent role in getting our name out there. Our ethos at Homeland has always been to prioritise real-world politics over the virtual kind, but that being said, social media exists and can be a powerful tool of persuasion.

Our team has been toiling away, making on-point YouTube shorts and savvy social media posts for the past year. To underline this effort, at the time of writing, we have surpassed 10k followers on X, a staggering achievement for a party only one-and-a-half years old!

It was a privilege for the Homeland Party to welcome our esteemed guest speakers: Robert Grajny from Konfederacja (The Confederation Liberty and Independence), a prominent nationalist alliance in Poland, and Manuel Schreiber from the AfD in Germany. Their valuable insights into their own parties’ success will undoubtedly provide a useful blueprint for us to emulate here in Britain.

Perhaps the highlight for me was the discussion panel. If ever there was a perfect advertisement for intelligent, civil debate, this would be it. Sensible nationalism was the main theme of the day, something that separated the Homeland Party from the other nationalist parties, which usually suffered from image problems.

All panel members shared their insightful thoughts, and although there was the odd occasion of differing opinions, there was always respect and warmth between the panellists. BBC, note this is how it’s done, not the brain-dead screeching that passes for debate on Question Time nowadays.

Another thing that struck me was the positive optics emitted by those in attendance. Specifically, we are largely made up of young, intelligent, passionate individuals willing to fight (figuratively speaking) tooth and nail for our country and people’s future. We were certainly not the dim, poorly educated knuckle-draggers our detractors love to depict us as.

I recall one of our members asking Manuel how the AFD had succeeded in making nationalism cool to the young generation of Germans. He replied that they didn’t have to do anything, and nationalism was already cool as it was. Having witnessed the impeccably turned-out individuals at our conference, I think he’s bang on the money. We certainly looked the part, the way the British always used to.

One more thing, before I forget. You may have heard that a rag-tag group of hardcore leftists showed up, trying to be a fly in the ointment. They failed, and that’s all I have to say. They are irrelevant and always will be, while the Homeland Party is anything but.

Out with the old, in with the new. A change of the guard is starting to take place in British politics, and we’re leading the charge. We’re the only party participating in the charge.

Reform UK? Just ask our illustrious panellist and new member, Steve Laws, who was briefly a member of Reform. As Steve explained to the audience, Reform and the other establishment parties may adopt similar rhetoric once they see public favour swinging to the right, but they will never adopt our policies. There are no other viable options for getting our homeland back on track.

The only way forward is through sensible nationalism, and as my regional organiser, Daniel Gale, so aptly put it, the Homeland Party is British nationalism.

If you’re reading this and were previously unsure of what to make of Homeland Party, I’ve hopefully done enough to persuade you that we are a serious alternative to the tired, two-party system that has plagued British politics for generations.

If so, join us and get involved. Signing up as a member is quick and simple. In the process, if you’d like to put yourself forward as an activist, your local regional organiser will contact you. In the meantime, get involved in your local community and make a difference.

This is the beginning of real change, and it’s not something you want to miss out on.

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