Governments to get tough on immigration. Again…

Once you’ve been following politics for a few years, you inevitably start to notice an immutable truth: when a government’s popularity hits rock bottom, its politicians suddenly remember they must at least pretend to have the public’s best interests at heart.

It’s like clockwork the government pigheadedly pushes through its globalist dismantling of the country until some of its more diligent members notice the public despises them, often thanks to disastrous polls and by-elections. They then quickly convene behind the scenes to devise ways to dupe the public back into supporting them. What typically follows is a reaffirming of their disingenuous promises, which helped them get elected in the first place.

One could write volumes on why this Tory government is haemorrhaging support, but let’s focus on possibly the biggest reason: immigration. They’ve overseen the largest amount in the country’s history, and the public has had enough. This year’s local elections were humiliating for the Conservative Party, and recent by-elections have shown their popularity is still downward.

So, in steps, Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick came to the rescue, claiming that from now on, immigrants who “fall below the standard we expect in our country” will be expelled from the UK. This comes after the prime minister last week threatened to immediately cancel the visas of foreign nationals who promote anti-Semitism or other hate crimes.

Now, even if they stay true to their words by some miracle, what about the immigrants who commit other types of crime? You know, the slightly more severe kind, such as assault, rape and murder? Will they be expelled, or are “hateful” words a greater threat to the British people?

It’s a moot point, anyway. Even if some immigrants are expelled for being “below the standard,” the Torys will continue to bring in countless others, as would Labour. In the end, this new expulsion policy is simply a last-ditch attempt to win back voters.

And if ever you needed proof that these globalist governments all sing from the same hymn sheet, French President Emmanuel Macron has recently vowed to remove foreigners deemed a threat to France’s national security. However, this is a cynical ploy to woo voters on the right considering backing Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party.

These governments know their looney policies alienate their voter base, but they must keep ploughing ahead to achieve their globalist dreams. All they can do in the meantime is appear centre-right as best they can when the going gets tough. The only question is, how long before the voters catch on?

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