Glasgow LEZ gaff

Glasgow City Council is having to hire vehicles because some of its own fleet does not meet new rules on emissions.

More than a third of its vehicles are not allowed inside the city’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ) introduced last week.

A spokeswoman for Glasgow City Council said: “New LEZ compliant vehicles are expected to be delivered to us in the near future and we are also retrofitting existing vehicles to improve emissions standards across our fleet.

“LEZ compliant vehicles have been hired in the short term to ensure emissions standards are met and this will allow older vehicles to be taken out of service in line with our ongoing fleet replacement programme.”

Among the non-complaint vehicles is a limousine used to by the council’s Lord Provost. Chris Mitchell, from the GMB union, said the council “should have thought of this a long time ago”.

Mr Mitchell, who works as a refuse collector for the council said: “The majority of the vehicles I deal with are non-complaint for the LEZ because they are the best part of 15 years old and obviously we still need to provide a service within the city centre. Unfortunately, they’ve had to hire a number of vehicles at a pretty penny, at a cost to the council – well, at a cost to the taxpayer.”

The Homeland Party has no hot take on this matter – it’s beyond words!

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