GB news presenter criticised over “conspiracy theory”

TV presenter Beverley Turner has been condemned by Jewish groups about a now deleted “dangerous” tweet, which was screen-shotted by the Jewish Chronicle, in which she suggested that COVID 19 had been bio engineered to destroy the West and had been engineered to cause less harm to certain ethnicities.

The GB News host also linked Dr Anthony Fauci, who was the chief medical adviser to the US presidency during the pandemic and, as a result, the subject for many conspiracy theorists, to the ‘bioengineering’.

Turner wrote: “Sars cov 2 virus causes less harm to certain ethnicities – east Asians, and Ashkenazi Jews (Fauci anyone?) than to European, S Asian & African … Just let that sink in”.

She went on to reference the conspiracy theory that COVID was designed in a lab in Wuhan as a bio weapon to destroy the West.

David Rich, from the group Community Security Trust, was quoted saying: “It’s both depressing and alarming how easily an anti-Semitic myth can spread from the cranky corners of the internet into mainstream politics and media on both sides of the Atlantic”.

Whilst The Homeland Party is open to listening to various theories surrounding COVID, we do not care to go to deeply into it. Let’s be fair; a virus that has been engineered to affect one ethnic group more than another, whilst plausible, is a bit of a stretch and, frankly, who cares?

However, there is always some group or another looking for something to complain about even if there are larger issues at hand. What we do find interesting though is the lack of publicity given to East Asian groups regarding these claims. A quick search on Google will lead you to and ESA Scotland, two groups which are essentially rights groups for the UK’s East and South East Asian communities.

We haven’t heard a peep out of these groups. It would seem that they either don’t feel offended enough to comment or for whatever reason don’t seem to have as loud and far reaching a voice as other minority rights groups.

The Homeland Party would see to it that all minority groups would get a share of media coverage in proportion to their group’s size.

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