Eating less meat ‘like taking 8m cars off road’

According to research carried out at Oxford University, big meat eaters contribute more to destroying the planet than cars!

The findings of this study purport anyone who eats a quarter pound burger or more a day is a “big meat eater” and could essentially save the world by cutting down to half a burger.

Forgive me for being cynical, but 40 years in the food industry can be my excuse. The equivalent of one burger a day, or 100 grams of meat, isn’t big, it’s probably average. 100 grams is half a chicken breast or about 40% of a steak or a slice off a roast. That’s probably an average day for most; you may not think it but if you added up the processed stuff like chicken nuggets, turkey twizzlers, etc then most meat eaters probably hit the 100g a day or more mark.

It’s no surprise that this study has concluded that eating too much meat is bad. Meat eating, like driving or owning a gun in America is not seen as being progressive, whereas veganism which, according to this study, unsurprisingly, emits the least CO2 and takes up the least amount of land to produce is seen as progressive or left-leaning.

So, it wasn’t a surprise when a university study found a leftist answer, where meat being the villain was always going to be the conclusion, and the whole exercise was just an excuse to legitimise cutting meat out of everyone’s diet.

Anyway, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say these findings are spot on. Then what, we all eat little to no meat and have more land available as there won’t be the farm animals needing it?

Will the air be cleaner? What we will do is concrete over this freed-up farm land and build thousands of new houses, many of which will be for people who have migrated here from the third world and in doing so will exponentially increase their CO2 output .

The Homeland Party would cut CO2 by prioritising sustainable domestic farming by supporting our farmers and reducing our reliance on imports. Nationalism and environmentalism go hand in hand because we love our people and our country more than money or power.

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