Dublin ablaze

On Thursday, the 23rd of November, in Dublin, a man believed to be of Algerian ancestry decided to stab five people, two of whom, at the time of writing this article, were seriously injured; one of them was only five years old.

This incident sparked an outbreak of riots and civil unrest, which ended up with a handful of police vehicles being set on fire, stores being looted and 34 arrests being made—the wrong response to what was already a tragic event.

This civil unrest is unique because the perpetrators were not your usual left-wing progressive types but ordinary, everyday Irish people. It would seem, however, that anger and discontent are now only allowed to be shown by social justice types who align with the progressive left and liberal elites.

So, given the situation, guess which side of this story the politicians and media have decided to focus on and which they are desperately trying not to talk about.

If you guessed the protestors, you would be correct. They are all in on condemning the Irish people for being angry over their government’s complete failure to protect its most vulnerable citizens; we hear no chatter of “mostly peaceful” protests akin to when BLM set major American towns ablaze over the death of George Floyd.

We have heard no such naval-gazing over why these people acted this way. No one has popped up in the papers or on TV to suggest that, actually, maybe the stabbings were the spark and not just an excuse for “far right” agitators to let rip.

None of that; there will be no context, no asking why, just a blanket response of “these were thugs doing thug stuff simple as “and then never delve any more profound than that.

These people need to ask themselves how many of our children need to die before they see the flaw in their idealogy. The last decade has clearly shown that not just the Irish government but all governments of Europe now value the human rights of immigrants over the lives of our people and children.

Until we return to nationalist principles of self-determination and a shared destiny, liberalism will dissolve all barriers that protect our children and us. It will do this in pursuit of some twisted individualist progressive utopia.

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