Celebrities condemn Erskine residents

The Scottish Trades Union Conference (STUC), together with Stand up to Racism Scotland (SUTR) and a handful of other groups are pulling out all the stops for a big turnout for their counter protest at Erskine.

This massive push to get their numbers above twenty has been endorsed by “celebrities” including Frankie Boyle, David Hayman and Irvine Welsh.

An open letter of “wholehearted” support has also been signed by Eddi Reader, Ricky Ross, Lorraine McIntosh and Gavin Mitchell among others.

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Time and time again, the trade union movement and anti-racist groups like Stand Up To Racism have driven out the poison of fascism from our communities.”

Well, Roz, you, Boyle, Welsh and the other has-beens remember this: you union types reckon you support the working class, but here you are, being backed up by millionaire D-list celebs campaigning against the best interests of the workers.

The Conservatives want mass immigration and so do you. You stand with the Tories!

You stand with the factory owners against the workers. You have crossed the picket line, scabs!

The Homeland Party can see this for what it is: a last ditch attempt to muster some support for a dying cause. Week after week, the pitiful counter-protesters come to Erskine for what is now a humiliation ritual. They do well to gather together thirty bodies, most of whom are old Socialist Worker Party members, union reps, SUTR, a token local, and the Young Communist League. All these groups and they can barely muster enough people for a game of football!

So, push for a big turnout. Lay the buses on, bring in your guest speakers and put on your hi-viz vests. The more the merrier.

The Erskine residents and Homeland will do what we like when we like, all while living rent free in your head.

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