
The majority of food charity aid goes to Nigerian students.

An economic crash in Nigeria has left international students struggling to afford tuition fees, with some at Teesside University blocked from their studies and ordered to return home due to non-payment. Nigeria is currently experiencing its worst economic crisis in a generation, with the value of the naira depreciating by more than 200% against the

The majority of food charity aid goes to Nigerian students. Read More »

Nottingham NHS Trust prioritising diversity-hired midwives

18 internationally trained midwives have joined Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) to increase staffing levels, skills, and diversity in the Trust’s maternity services. Initially recruited through NHS England funding, the midwives were offered additional training to become UK registered and subsequently placed as student midwives across City Hospital and Queen’s Medical Centre. They have

Nottingham NHS Trust prioritising diversity-hired midwives Read More »

Solar Farm Cynicism & Housing Crisis Combo

As a proposal for Europe’s largest solar farm is considered in Nottinghamshire, it is probably worth having a think about these supposedly “green” solutions to our energy woes. The main problems with solar panels are that they have significantly diminishing returns year on year, require constant and costly maintenance in order to keep them operational

Solar Farm Cynicism & Housing Crisis Combo Read More »

David Campanale, the Lib Dem candidate, ‘punished’ for his faith.

The Liberal Democrats have been accused of breaching equality law by deselecting a candidate ‘based on his Christian faith’. This development came after a complaint to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was raised regarding the treatment of David Campanale. The party has been accused of tolerating a “hostile environment” for people of faith,

David Campanale, the Lib Dem candidate, ‘punished’ for his faith. Read More »

Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds.

Headteachers are being forced to mend desks and unblock toilets after sacking school caretakers in the wake of budget cuts. School leaders in England said they could not afford to employ caretakers and had to change lightbulbs and clear playgrounds of dead rats. Amanda Richards, the headteacher of Sytchampton primary in Worcestershire, said her school “literally

Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds. Read More »

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