An appeal to young men by James Munro

Recently, the communist rag The Ferret sold a hitpiece about me to The National. In this article, they painted me as a “neo-nazi” to smear the Homeland Party by way of association. I want to take this opportunity to send this message to young men finding themselves where I once was.

Before continuing, I must set the record straight about the sloppy allegations made by ‘journalist’ Jamie Mann. I am not a dangerous man, nor violent or hateful. I have never in my life had a criminal conviction. A terrorist uses violence to achieve political aims or force a government to act. No matter how far you stretch the definition of a terrorist, I am not. The cranky group referred to in Ferret’s article was neither proscribed nor associated with any illegal group and was disbanded many years ago.

Now, onto what I would like to say. When I was a teenager, I fell in with the wrong crowd. While I was appalled at the degeneration of society and the existential threats to the existence of my people and culture, I didn’t have any sense of direction or outlet. With no sensible older heads to show me, I was led astray, as many disenfranchised young men are.

Naively, I devoured online content that encouraged incoherent schizophrenic philosophies, which are unhelpful and alien to my culture. I developed an interest in online music and art with very edgy aesthetics. I foolishly marched around in a skull mask and Doc Martins, waving flags and throwing up salutes I did not understand properly. Quite frankly, I became a total poser. There was no one around me to tell me how stupid I looked. It’s not real politics; it’s teenage rebellion, and this experience is all too common. Young men are acutely vulnerable to falling into ridiculous trends and dangerous ideas. The counterculture of any time is the light of a bug zapper, which we are attracted to and are inevitably burnt by.

I grew out of my LARP (it is a phase, Mom!), and I found myself surrounded by older, wiser heads. When I met Kenny Smith, he mocked and chastised my edgy holdovers. He put great literature in my hands and showed me how productive and healthy Nationalism is. I was fortunate to have found a great mentor. Our people and our land will not be saved through angst. Now a man grown, I laugh at my adolescent antics, too. Self-betterment and community politics are the paths for me to give back the excellent guidance that helped me seek a better future rather than being nostalgic for a past I didn’t fully understand.

Kenny Smith’s mission is one I believe in. Young men need to be shown the way. Kenny has caught flak for entering dodgy chat groups to dissuade lads like me from making big mistakes. He doesn’t deserve that. He should be commended for his efforts. Alongside Kenny, I have worked to tear the vulnerable from Anonymous chat groups where the mentally ill and those with ill intent spread their vile doomsday cults.

Nationalism is not about hatred or contempt for other peoples; it’s about love for your people, land, and history. Our worldview is naturally inherent and predates modern political ideologies. Focusing on the history and aesthetic trappings of one regime or another prevents a true sense of belonging and understanding of what we need in our particular place and time.

So, I make this appeal to all who will see it. Young men don’t do edgy things. Fringe extremism of the Hollywood “neo-nazi” sort is dangerous and tarnishes real-world activism. You will end up behind bars and achieve nothing if you don’t get out of the fringe circles. Get involved with real Nationalism. Get out into the real world with us and make a change for the better.

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