Baby boomers: the generation that won’t let go

American Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell freezes mid-sentence and stares vacantly for around 20 seconds during press conference!

The 81-year-old approached the podium and began speaking before appearing to lose his train of thought and trailing off with a drawn-out “uh”.

He then appeared to stare vacantly into space for around 20 seconds, before his Republican colleagues grabbed his elbows and asked if he wanted to go back to his office. He did not answer but slowly walked back to his office with an aide.

Mr McConnell was hospitalised earlier this year after a fall where he suffered a fractured rib and a concussion.

81 years old. Why will this generation not give up and retire? Why are so many of our top jobs and positions of influence still being held by baby boomers?

In the last 30 years, the USA has had a boomer president for 22 of them. Boomers have held the top job at the UN for 26 years. The UK has escaped this grip to a degree with boomers Major, Blair and Brown having a mere 20 years in the top job but many will say Mr Blair still holds a lot of sway in international politics.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, McConnell, 90-year-old senator Diane Feinstein, and let’s not forget the late supreme court justice, Ruth Ginsburg, who refused to resign until her death at 87.

We won’t even mention the WEF chap or the Hungarian-American who the conspiracy theorists love to hate.

The fact is, these people have overseen the decline of the West in the last few decades, with some of them only recently relinquishing power.

They told the next generation (generation x) to respect their elders, then when gen x was in the work force, completely undermined them by telling them to “listen to the children”.

They grew up in the Swinging 60s, scared Gen X to death about AIDS in the 80s and 90s then demanded we wave a rainbow flag and let our kids mutilate themselves.

Even now, they want us to look over seasoned 40- and 50-somethings and promote the likes of Ilhan Omar, Alexandra Cortez and Greta Thunberg as the “voice of the future”.

They had their fill, they did well in the boom after the Second World War, with property, pensions, and investments. What do they wish to leave us? A world of mass immigration, 15-minute cities, net zero, no cars and guilt for things we didn’t do.

These people need to retire, pronto.

The Homeland Party would not put an upper age limit on anyone holding office but stringent medicals would have to be adhered to.

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