Pro-trans demonstrator gets off with punching woman

Police Scotland is at the centre of a human rights storm after a woman was assaulted during a women’s rights event in Aberdeen.

Julie Marshall said she was punched in the arm and head at a rally organised by Women Won’t Wheesht. The man responsible received a recorded police warning, sparking anger from campaigners about the leniency shown by the police at the event.

Women Won’t Wheesht are one of a number of groups opposed to this so-called self-ID, expressing concerns that could it have implications for women’s rights and single sex spaces.

Women Won’t Wheesht are critical of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed by the Scottish Parliament last December to simplify the process for a trans person to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC).

However, supporters of the legislation have long argued that it is trans rights that are under threat and that the current system for obtaining a GRC is often demeaning, intrusive and traumatic.

The incident occurred when Ms Marshall and fellow demonstrators turned up to set up at the bandstand at Duthie Park in Aberdeen to find a counter protest had already claimed that area.

As they moved away to a different part of the park Ms Marshall said one of the protesters then ran over and tried to take one of the group’s banners. When she and one of her fellow activists tried to take it back, she says the man swung round and hit her on the arm and head.

“I feel that giving this man a caution after an unprovoked attack, they’re just saying you can punch these women that you don’t agree with and steal their property with impunity and all you are going to get is a slap on the wrist”, Ms Marshall said.

The Homeland Party condemn physical violence of any sort, especially against women. However, we are not surprised this happened. That’s not to say we think Ms. Marshall deserved to get punched by a man half her age; what doesn’t surprise us is the fact that a member of a counter demonstration has taken it upon themselves to commit violence and think it’s acceptable.

We fully support the letter that has been sent to chief constable Iain Livingstone raising concerns on this matter. However, we won’t be holding our breath, as the outgoing police Scotland supremo is too busy virtue signalling how woke he is as he readies himself for his pension.

The fact is the police do need to crack down on left-wing violence. We saw a little bit of this in action at Erskine a few weeks ago as the counter protesters were given a ticking off for the name calling and threats of violence they feel justified to casually throw around.

Will it take someone like Ms Marshall or one of the #ErskineSaysNo activists to be seriously injured by some far left thug before the authorities take this threat seriously?

Time will tell. Until then, if you do attend a demonstration, conduct yourself properly, talk to the police respectfully and you might find yourself with them not against you, all the while the opposition hiss and seethe in the officers’ faces.

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