People of Kegworth stand firm

The Homeland Party joined the people of Kegworth at their demonstration this weekend. Since February, the Yew Lodge Hotel has been hosting around two hundred migrants and that number is steadily increasing.

While we’ve supported other communities before and have become accustomed to the various accounts of harassment which typically accompany migrant accommodation, the horror stories our activists heard from Kegworth made their jaws hit the ground. Residents being stalked, fathers being told their children would be murdered, migrants walking into primary schools, councilors being chased… this is the stuff of nightmares and yet it is very real.

No community should be faced with this kind of torment and lawlessness in a first-world country, but unfortunately this is the state of modern Britain. The police and local politicians have proven so far to be ineffective, and the locals have had to organise a neighborhood watch group to ensure that children can play safely in the park where the migrants have been known to congregate.

The Yew Lodge Hotel is owned by Jeremy and Geraldine Pick. Like countless other proprietors up and down the country, they accepted hefty sums of money from Serco, a government contractor hired by the Home Office to source accommodation. Their decision to put greed before conscience has transformed Kegworth away from the peaceful village that it was; one where the general feeling among the locals is that it’s only a matter of time before one of them is seriously assaulted. The owners don’t care as they live in another village and don’t have to witness the turmoil they have created.

The people of Kegworth must be commended not only for their sense of unity but the fervor with which they have been opposing this onslaught, and we don’t use that word lightly. They have been demonstrating outside the hotel regularly since it closed its doors to the paying public. They have also tried other avenues – alerting school boards to suspicious behavior, engaging with their councillors, reporting incidents to the police, only to be ignored or even worse, intimidated into silence. They have stood firm and haven’t backed down, and they can’t be ignored forever.

If you are local, you can find out what’s going on and get involved by joining their Facebook group here.

You can also help them by sharing what’s happening on social media, via Facebook and Twitter, with the hashtags #SaveKegworth #GreedyPick #SayNoToSerco

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