Pessimistic doom-pillars consistently tell us that “there is no political solution. It is no longer possible.” Well, it is possible, and the vanguard for political success in Britain is the Homeland Party.
The recent regional election results in Germany for Saxony and Thuringia for the AFD, an insurgent nationalist party that was only established 11 years ago in 2013, prove that political success is obtainable in a short space of time if you are dedicated and organised at a regional and local level—something Homeland is trying to do.

Gaining over 30% of the vote in any election will give you electoral success. In Britain, over 40% of the electorate refused to vote in the last election, so even if just half of those apathetic voters would grow into becoming sympathetic to the Homeland Party and its policies, then the ruling establishment would quiver behind their Westminster curtains, for fear of genuine nationalism is their kryptonite.

The results in Germany show the increasing tidal wave of nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment spreading throughout Europe like wildfire. This is now evident in recent elections across Europe, from the rise of the AFD to the recent electoral success of the National Rally in France. The role of Homeland is to replicate the electoral success of our nationalistic European brothers and ultimately win a general election but to achieve national success; you must first achieve local success.
The key is to gain a good local reputation and following because you have to prove you can govern locally before people think you have the competence to govern nationally. An excellent example to follow is the Liberal Democrats’ building a solid local foundation by winning council seats in places like Dorset and Cumbria, which contributed to their national success in the last general election by winning parliamentary seats in those regions through FPTP.
Therefore, the purpose of this short article was to emphasise that Britain’s political path is still open. There is still time to establish a nationalist government that will reverse our demographic replacement. We have a right to a nation of our own, to live amongst our people, and to celebrate our culture and traditions. Indeed, that is the fundamental right of a people.
So, now is not the time to batten down the hatches and “prepare to become a minority”. Now is the time to stand up, retake our Homeland, and decide our destiny.
The tide is turning, and we will win.