Solar Farm Cynicism & Housing Crisis Combo

As a proposal for Europe’s largest solar farm is considered in Nottinghamshire, it is probably worth having a think about these supposedly “green” solutions to our energy woes.

The main problems with solar panels are that they have significantly diminishing returns year on year, require constant and costly maintenance in order to keep them operational and while appearing not to have many benefits when offset against the negatives, a lot of the groundwork done prior to installation can significantly damage the land. This environmental impact is the problem that I would like to focus on specifically.

The proposal in Nottinghamshire has raised local ire because it is to be placed on agricultural land. Once this land is damaged, it isn’t easy to restore it to its former suitability for farming. Additionally, the land will likely be downgraded to a “brown-field” site, which would be considered for housing development once the solar farm is decommissioned.

As you are probably aware, we are currently experiencing an immigration-driven housing crisis, and developers are desperate to meet that demand, especially in high-value areas. However, this will not alleviate the problem; it will only exacerbate and compound it in the future.

Over the last two decades, migration has consistently been in the hundreds of thousands per year net, with over 1.2 million people arriving last year alone. In a country where traditional life has become financially impossible and socially discouraged, leading to declining birthrates and the overall native population, the last thing we need is more houses for more migrants, leading to higher demand for energy in the form of inefficient solar farms.

Until immigration is reduced and illegal immigration is stopped, this government or any government cannot hope to address it adequately. Labour has pledged to deliver 1.4 million houses across their parliamentary term in an act that is less like pouring fuel on a fire but igniting a petrol station. Labour cannot be counted on to reduce immigration in any significant way, either by tackling illegal immigration or reducing legal numbers. It’s incredibly unlikely they tackle the great visa mill scam universities, either.

Couple this with the desperate need for energy and infrastructure that our politicians have ignored for decades, putting us in an impossible position of economic stagnation and demographic chaos. We can’t move on to the next stage of our society if it is crippled by the state’s addiction to cheap labour to suppress the wages of its people in the interest of business. Similarly, we do not have new energy or infrastructure, making electricity cheap and abundant. In that case, we cannot escape this immigration pyramid scheme of low wages and a high GDP economy, which makes the financial heart of London richer and the rest of us poorer. Couple this with automation, and our living standards will hit rock bottom.

Following up on this article (Fertility Rate Fanaticism—Homeland Party ), we should not buy into the model with which our population needs to rise to succeed. Indeed, I believe Hungary has been unable to raise its TFR above the current replacement rate, but all that means is that a lower equilibrium will be found.

Nationalism is a holistic ideology, and all things need to be considered in this organic way. We have activists who have campaigned against solar farms, and we are building tentative networks across the country that are all encountering the same problems in their local areas.

It’s with hesitant optimism that we look at the Tories’ plan to begin a new nuclear facility in Scotland. What a shame they didn’t make a deal with British engineering giant Roll Royce to build Small Modular Reactors across the country. The Poles have beaten us to that positive, energy-rich future.

The country is gripped with de-growth-obsessed, backward and ultimately doomsday cult “green” obsessives that, while advocating a return to rolling blackouts, don’t believe in the country having an organic carrying capacity, so they simultaneously advocate open borders. This hypocrisy has led to some bizarre alliances seen in the local elections between these people and Muslims more concerned with Gaza than our dear green places, indicating they are more driven by ideology than actually finding a solution to Britain’s ever-growing problems.

If you care about the future of this country, its people, and its environment, join the Homeland Party for a real green solution to these problems. It will be a short turnaround, but as we build the party and grow from local levels around the country, we can begin to effect positive change and turn this country around with a focus on our quality of life, not ideological dogma.

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