Law Lecturer sacked for teaching the law.

A law lecturer was forced out of her job at the Open University for refusing to implement “gender identity theory” into her classes.

Dr Almut Gadow was forced out of her position last November for gross misconduct.

Dr Gadow,43, says the institution accused her of “serious bullying and harassment” and of breaching their transgender staff policy after several posts in an online university forum which risked creating “an environment in the forum that isn’t inclusive, trans-friendly, or respectful”.

Gadow said that the university’s policy had included introducing diverse gender identities into the curriculum and also teaching students that an offender’s preferred pronouns should be used when referring to them.

She argued that the policy was incompatible with the position of a criminal lawyer stating that “sex is a relevant fact for offences involving perpetrators and victims’ bodies.

The lecturer added, “No offender should be allowed to dictate the language of his case in a way which masks relevant facts.”

Bravo, Dr Gadow; it’s always pleasing to see someone take a stand against woke institutes like a university, especially when that criticism comes from one of its own.

Stories like these are becoming more common. From the outside, it seems the progressive liberal movement is consuming itself. The ideology of resentment and victimhood, pushed by its leaders in the media, no longer serves them. They serve it.

Dr Almut Gadow, a beneficiary of past progressive movements, has now fallen victim to its uncompromising religious zeal. Liberal progressives have become so ideologically driven that they do not even tolerate free speech.

It’s time to adopt a more practical approach to defining objective reality before dogmatic zealots cause another social collapse like communism.

If you’ve had enough of these fanatics and want a more pragmatic approach to reality, then the Homeland Party is where you belong.

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