Grooming cases at record high amid online safety laws delay

Thousands of online grooming crimes have been recorded while waiting for updated online safety laws.

Campaigners are urging tech companies and MPs to back the Online Safety Bill and are calling for no more hold-ups.

The bill aims to crack down on illegal content and has faced repeated delays and amendments.

Children’s charity the NPSCC says UK police forces have recorded 34,000 online grooming crimes since it first called for stricter laws in 2017.

The proposed new rules state that tech companies should be able to access the content of private messages if there is a child safety concern.

However, ministers have recently had to defend the Online Safety Bill against a backlash from some tech companies, who argue the law will undermine the use of encryption to keep online communications private.

Some platforms threaten to leave the UK altogether rather than comply with the new rules.

The Homeland Party is sceptical of the intent of various “campaigners” to promote the online harms bill.

Members of our party have first-hand experience of being censored on various social media platforms for political wrong think, yet here we are with online grooming going up and up with what seems like a never-ending stream of youngsters being coerced into stripping off in front of an internet pervert.

From our point of view, it would seem that these “campaigners” use the guise of caring about the abuse of children as a front; these same groups stood idly by when people talked about grooming gangs in Rotherham, Manchester and Huddersfield to name just a few, where children faced a pandemic of physical abuse. None of these organisations stood by the legions of concerned citizens being de-platformed for talking about it.

They don’t need an online harms bill to catch internet paedophiles; we live in an age where people who think they are anonymous online get arrested for a mean tweet. No, we need a police force, government and NGOs who will actually do what they were intended for and not act as proxies for international liberal dogma. Stop pushing diversity, tolerance and inclusion and start stopping crime.

These people care less about our children’s safety and more about violating the fundamental rights of law-abiding citizens instead of making sure these criminals are caught, prosecuted, and given lengthy prison sentences.

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