Westminster is full of a***holes

MP Mhairi Black has slammed Westminster ‘full of a***holes’ in a crass rant.

The SNP deputy leader in Westminster commented on-stage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, blasting the Government and saying her time spent there made her “stomach turn.”

Black announced last month that she would be stepping down at the next election after holding the Paisley & Renfrewshire South seat since 2015 when she was only 20.

During the event, host Graham Spiers suggested she was doing well in the commons, and she responded, “You’re only seeing a three-minute clip.

“You don’t see the other 23 hours a week that I’ve had to spend surrounded by a***holes.”

“I want to enjoy my life when I realised that I’ve now spent a third of my life in Westminster; it’s just – it makes my stomach turn.”

She then pointed out the disruptions to her personal life, citing Boris Johnson’s resignation as one example, saying she had to cut her honeymoon short.

She admitted her party would have little “purpose” if they managed to secure independence.

The SNP MP also questioned her own loyalties, saying her vote would be “up for grabs” if there were a Yes victory.

When the host said her party had been in power too long, Black sighed in response.

Black is a classic example of promoting someone based on their minority status rather than competence. Identifying as a gay woman, she has two points in the diversity box which no doubt pushed her to the fore ahead of more qualified and competent candidates.

At 20 years old, she had little real-world experience but has found herself thrust into the limelight as the people of her constituency, evidently so disengaged with politics that they didn’t even bother to research the person they voted for, all they knew was it wasn’t conservative or labour.

Black probably thought that she would make a difference in the political sphere. She undoubtedly believed that a few years of her sprinkling some magic dust in the House of Commons would usher in the independence utopia under a covering of rainbow flags.

Reading between the lines, though, it sounds like she has grown bored of the politics game. She went straight from being a student, straight from a life of safe spaces and political correctness and has now realised that the real world is very different.

We can understand her calling members of the commons a***holes. However, this isn’t why she’s quitting. It’s just an excuse.

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